Keep higher-dose vitamin B12 supplements legal and accessible in France

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From the Fédération Végane in France:

Pas de dose limite en vitamine B12 dans les compléments alimentaires en France !

"The French Ministry of Agriculture and Food Security Agency (ANSES) both intend to limit supplements’ vitamin B12 contents :

This project is not scientifically justified because there is no known toxicity to vitamin B12. The consensus is world-wide (including EFSA, IOM and WHO.)

Prohibiting doses of B12 greater than 14 µg in dietary supplements makes weekly supplementation (2000 µg) and bimonthly supplementation (4000 to 5000 µg) inaccessible to vegans living in France.

Yet those are the cheapest ways of taking a supplement, because reducing the number of tablets consumed per year significantly reduces the annual cost. This restriction discriminates against the less fortunate.

We therefore urge the French Ministry of Agriculture and Food Security Agency to suppress the vitamin B12 dose restriction project on dietary supplements in order to protect vegans' health. Vegans who live in France should be able to supplement their diet with vitamin B12 without restriction, to the benefit of their health (as already recommended). Access to vitamin B12 is in the general interest."