Evolution of a ... Nutri-Score (2024)

Nutri-Score (nutriscore) ... a work in progress

Below you can see a biased selection of vegan foods, mostly purchased at the "Aldi Süd" supermarket chain.

The Nutri-Score is clearly far from perfect, but some improvements are in progress in 2024. The example of the change for walnuts (first two photos) seems to be a reflection of this.

Note: Refined grain products certainly should not get an "A".

Note: As the name suggest, the Nutri-Score is based on a (far from perfect) nutrient score. It does not take into account ethics, such as murdering animals in slaughterhouses. I have actually never looked at the Nutri-Score on animal products.

Also see Search results - World (openfoodfacts.org)

Organic walnuts, older version (September 2024): "B"
Organic walnuts, newer version (October 2024): "A"
Hazelnuts: "A" 
Cashew nuts: "C"
Organic almonds: "A"
Organic 100% peanut butter 🥜: "A" 
Various victuals ...

German style vegan "spread": "C"
Vegan KitKat: "D"
Dark chocolate (90%): "D"
Organic apple cider vinegar: "B"
German-style burgers "paprika": "C"
German-style burgers "parsley": "D"
Plain soya yoghurt: "A"; and vegan "meaty" burgers (similar to Beyond Burgers): "D"
Alpro plain sugar-free soya yoghurt: "A"; organic coconut milk (the creamy type): "D"

Organic "LikeMeat" vegan gyros (the Greek version of "kebab"): "A" (LikeMeat is a vegan meat alternative company from Germany.)
Organic red lentils: "A"
Brown rice, quinoa, brown lentils, polenta (all organic): all "A"
Organic whole wheat spaghetti: "A"
Hummus "plain": A (left); hummus "spicey": C (right). The ingredients are the same apart from the one on the right containing 8% paprika powder. The quantities of ingredients are slightly different, resulting in a slightly higher salt, sugar, and fat content and a slightly lower protein and fibre content in the one on the right.

Dried figs (before, ~summer 2024): "C"
Dried figs (October 2024): no Nutri-Score
Dried dates "deglet nour": "C"; corn starch (maize starch, what the Brits like to call "cornflour"): "C"; white wheat flour: "A" (!)
Organic plain soya milk: "A"; white wheat lasagne sheets: "A" (!)