GQ: What’s the best diet for longevity, Prof. Hu?

“You don’t have to follow a rigid regimen,” Hu said. “Basically, you want to eat whole foods: fruits and vegetables, whole grains, nuts, legumes, and seeds.” [1]

This was published in "GQ", an international monthly men's magazine based in New York City.

Big up, GQ. If all men's magazines posted this kind of content, interviewing actual nutrition experts, we would be going far and in the right direction.

Side note: Here's another quote by Frank Hu (2015): "[...] And many of those recommendations do not sit very well with the meat industry, as you know. They have been attacking ... vicious attacks on the report. And the congress has already said to us 'Don't talk about the environment.' And now the secretaries of HHS [U.S. Department of Health and Human Services] and the USDA have already [..] caved in to the political pressure from Congress, which is very unfortunate. But I think, the majority of recommendations will stand, because those recommendations for environmental sustainability are the same as the recommendations for improving our health. So I think that's really good news." [2]


[1] Harvard T. H. Chan School of Public Health, For a healthy diet, there’s no one-size-fits-all, 11 July 2024, (last accessed 12 July 2024)

[2] Oldways: Saturated Fat… Compared to What? - Dr. Frank Hu, 22 Dececember 2015 (last accessed 2 August 2024)

「你不必遵循嚴格的養生法,」胡說。 “基本上,你想吃天然食物:水果和蔬菜、全穀物、堅果、豆類和種子。”

Note: The image isn't meant to suggest that Frank Hu recommends a diet exclusively based on these foods (see his quote above).