Just a Minor Threat
Burning Flags Press/Akashik Books"Burning Flags" is Glen E. Friedman's own "publishing company". "Akashic Books" is Johnny Temple's publishing company that was originally intended to be (but that idea was quickly abandoned) a record label founded with the Sullivan brothers (the legendary Bobby Sullivan and Mark Sullivan, who quickly abandoned ship).
This book includes an introduction by Glen E. Friedman himself, short essays by Guy Picciotto, Ian Svenonious, and Zack de la Rocha and some even shorter texts by Jello Biafra, Alec MacKaye (recall the NYHC Chronicles guy, Drew Stone, ignorantly asking Ian MacKaye: "Do you have any brothers or sisters?"), and Jamie Shannan (not the football player! ... the drummer of the 1980s NYHC band The Mob).
The main takeaway from this book is: Alec MacKaye should write a book. His short essay is by far the best. [Update 25 August 2024: I had not known about the existence of the "Hard Art" book, which includes writing by Alec MacKaye. I found out about that only a few months ago but still have not actually seen a copy because it was out of print - but it has now been reprinted.]

What I see
Burning Flags Press/Akashik BooksThis book includes an introduction by Chuck Dukowski (the punk vivisector).

Recognize (2nd edition)
Akashic Books2019
Together forever
This book includes an introduction by Ian Svenonius.
Rizzoli is a New York City bookstore. This book is not to be confused with his 1982 (eponymous) zine "My Rules" (see below).
The man's an artist not just a photographer - a book of photos of clouds. This book contains a preface by Peter Lamborn Wilson (an American poet anarchist, aka Hakim Bey, much hated by the poetry-free anarchists; RIP).
This book breaks a little bit from the (just) pictures of famous people mould and also includes more personal pictures of everyday views, landscapes, and lady friends. The book contains short texts by
This book includes a commentary by C.R. Stecyk III and an afterword by Sam Sifton (some journalist).
This book includes an introduction by C. R. Stecyk III (skate patriarch) and photos from 1976 to 1991. If I remember right, this book also contains an intro or essay by Russell Simmons (the near-vegan yoga mogul man with satin in his panties, not Russel Simins of Blues Explosion fame) - but I might misremember this and it might be in "Fuck You Too" or "The Idealist".

A book of photographs of the Run-DMC and Beastie Boys "Together forever" tour (1987). This book includes an introduction by Chris Rock (the funny man).

Dogtown: The Legend of the Z-Boys (expanded 2nd edition)
Akashic Books/Burning Flags Press
This book was coauthored with C.R. Stecyk III.
Keep Your Eyes Open (expanded 2nd edition)
Akashic Books/Burning Flags PressThis book includes an introduction by Ian Svenonius.
My Rules
RizzoliRizzoli is a New York City bookstore. This book is not to be confused with his 1982 (eponymous) zine "My Rules" (see below).
Keep Your Eyes Open
Burning Flags Press
A book of Fugazi photographs.
Glen E. Friedman's website states: "the original edition of this book has been out of print since 2017." (last accessed 27 April 2024) However: This book (first edition) is still cheaply available on the internet.
Burning Flags PressThe man's an artist not just a photographer - a book of photos of clouds. This book contains a preface by Peter Lamborn Wilson (an American poet anarchist, aka Hakim Bey, much hated by the poetry-free anarchists; RIP).
Fuck You Too (2nd edition)
ConSafos Books2003
The Idealist (2nd edition)
Burning Flags PressThis book is also called "The Idealist - 25 Years - In My Eyes" or "The Idealist: In My Eyes 25 Years" and it contains photos from 1976 to 2001, it seems. That is, includes some more recent photos not included in the first edition from 1998.
Dogtown: The Legend of the Z-Boys
Burning Flags Press
This book was coauthored with C.R. Stecyk III.
Glen E. Friedman's website states "This first edition was officially released in 2002." (last accessed 27 April 2024) - but I don't think this is correct.
The Idealist
ConSafos BooksThis book breaks a little bit from the (just) pictures of famous people mould and also includes more personal pictures of everyday views, landscapes, and lady friends. The book contains short texts by
- Ralph Nader (American politician, much hated by the American right wing - check out the 2006 documentary movie "An unreasobable man" about Nader),
- Reverend Al Sharpton (American civil rights activist and Christian - and, ironically, reformed antisemite [?][?]),
- Ian MacKaye,
- Dr. Cornel West (American civil rights activist and Christian),
- and Ian Svenonius.
Fuck You Too
ConSafos BooksThis book includes a commentary by C.R. Stecyk III and an afterword by Sam Sifton (some journalist).
1994 (the year of Ill Communication)
Fuck You Heroes
Burning Flags PressThis book includes an introduction by C. R. Stecyk III (skate patriarch) and photos from 1976 to 1991. If I remember right, this book also contains an intro or essay by Russell Simmons (the near-vegan yoga mogul man with satin in his panties, not Russel Simins of Blues Explosion fame) - but I might misremember this and it might be in "Fuck You Too" or "The Idealist".
My Rules [zine]
With Darby Crash on the cover. Check it out. One might feel that Glen E. Friedman's oeuvre is awefully devoid of homosexuals but here we go: Darby Crash, American punk's most beautiful poet (?) on the cover. Quiz: Find a vegetarian pictured in this zine ... and win something.