1) Not really in Barcelona, and yes, planes are bad. On the plane (Ryan Air) they had vegan lasagne (which I didn't buy).

2) The weather was pretty amazing. But on the night I arrived it looked like this.

3) Maoz in Barcelona is open until 1 am (on Saturdays even 2 am) and it's 100% vegan. The yoghurt sauce and mayonnaise are vegan too. The staff are really friendly ... and they have amba.

4) The Nutrients conference (Nutrients 2019 – Nutritional Advances in the Prevention and Management of Chronic Disease, 25/09/2019 - 27/09/2019) was pretty interesting. But there was no vegan food ...

... except for these (which the amazing catering guy got especially for me, on day two, not day 1 or 3; yes they were vegan.)

5) You can do vegan spotting, walking around the touristy areas you can see quite a few vegan options advertised on the outside of restaurants.

6) CactusCat Bar is pretty nice, has good food and nice staff ... and is apparently unrelated to Cat Bar.

7) Almost all of the small shops ("supermarkets") that sell ice cream sell these ...

... and some sell vegan Ben & Jerry's ...

... that evil cow-killing company
8) I gave a presentation about vegan nutrition at the University (Universitat Pompeu Fabra) on 27 September 2019, organized by the amazing student group ESLA.
You can see the video of the presentation here:
Nutrición Vegana: separando la evidencia de la creencia - Christian Koeder
The presetation was in one of the rooms in the right. Nice assembly hall.

9) The best place to buy fruit and vegetables are the many fruterías, and some are cheaper than others. Even though the guy in the shop charged me 1 Euro for one lettuce (which was the price for two). Probably to punish me because I didn't know his Peruvian football players who play in Germany.

10) Climb a mountain and look down.

11) There are quite a few Telepizza places, and their "Pizza de la Huerta" ordered without cheese (!) is vegan, as far as I know. According to their allergy sheet, these types of pizza dough (masa) seem vegan, i.e. "clásica" (normal), "fina" (thin), and "integral" (whole wheat), see the PDF with allergen info. (also see here, Madrid)

12) On the popular street "Carrer de Blai" in the "Poble-Sec" neighbourhood you can find several vegan food options, but what's more you can find the completely vegan "La Raposa del Poble Sec", a lesbian hang out hotspot ... unfortunately I arrived late on Sunday afternoon and the kitchen was already closed but I still got a drink and cake. Friendly.
La raposa del Poble Sec (just off Carrer de Blai).

A vegetarian place on Carrer de Blai

Another vegetarian place on Carrer de Blai, named Perejil

13) There is a sort of Spanish "Subway" called "Pans" and they have vegan options, it seems.

14) The second time in Barcelona, and the second time I didn't go to Cat Bar. Weird.

15) "La Fabrica", some Argentinian place that makes Argentinian pizza, and has vegan option. Makes true Italians scream in agony.

16) There's a lovely vegan fashion shop called Cuco. Of course, undecidedly, I didn't buy a belt.
The NAE shop is just around the corner.

17) In Mercadona (huge supermarket chain) you can always find some decent (or indecent) vegan food.

18) Ice cream is everywhere in Barcelona (evil). But most places have some vegan ice cream options, it seems. However, I did not see vegan ice cream cones.

19) There are quite a handful of 100% vegan shops in Barcelona. (also see "Cuco" above)
In the Gràcia neighbourhood, a really nice vegan shop called "Amapola".


The NAE shoes and belts shop

The Passión Animal shop


Ven Vegano (where I bought vegan camembert)

20) Also in the Gràcia neighbourhood a vegetarian place called "Quínoa". They said all the food is vegan. I saw a Bailey`s bottle so that might be the only non-vegan item they have.
Nice food, nice staff.

Also in Gràcia, a 100% vegan place called "VegaMama", but it was closed when I walked past.

21) "Día" is another common supermarket chain.

I'm actually not sure if the vitamin D in this soya milk (and others in Spain) is vegan (but that's probably not very relevant, since the amounts of sheep's wool lanolin used for this are tiny.)

22) "Alive" is probably one of the best vegan places in Barcelona and you should go there.

23) "Pic Nic Club" is a vegan and sustainable products shop and online business. Nice walk from Plaza de Espana. Nice owner.

24) In some health food store: burgers, mushrooms, Spanish figs and Spanish mangoes

25) Just next to Sagrada Familia - some might say the only church that does not hide the church's similarity to a tumour - you can find a vegan McDonald's style fast food place called "La Trocadero". I asked if the juice is freshly made or from a bottle, and they said freshly made - but it's still in a sealed plastic bottle. Nice staff.

P.S.: You can buy cassava (yuca, manioc) in Barcelona. Don't eat them raw (if you eat them).
P.P.S.: Smoking kills and meat is murder.
P.P.P.S.: There is a monthly vegan food fair in Barcelona (see Facebook page here).