5 vegan nutrition links that every vegan website should link to

If you promote veganism - which is great - you should also offer some basic information about how to be healthy as a vegan. Why? Because not knowing the basics of vegan nutrition can cause serious health problems ... which can easily be avoided ... if you know the basics. 
If you aren't qualified or knowledgeable enough to provide this information yourself (and probably you aren't) - or you don't have time - just link to one or all of the following widely-respected info sources by world-leading experts on vegan nutrition (and pioneers of veganism):

1) The 2016 AND Position Paper: "Position of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics: Vegetarian Diets."
The first author of this article for the world's largest nutritional science organization (Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics) is Vesanto Melina (RD), a long-term vegan and a true pioneer of vegan nutrition.

You might have to use a pirate site to obtain free access to the full text article (PDF), or you can ask someone with free university access to this PDF.

2) If you want really detailed information, check out veganhealth.org which is the world's leading and most extensive science-based information source on vegan nutrition founded by long-term vegan and vegan nutrition expert Jack Norris (RD). The website veganhealth.org is a project by Vegan Outreach. If you just want a quick and easy overview have a look here veganoutreach.org/plant-based-nutrition. They have some great info graphics that you really *should* share.

3) If you want to subscribe with regular vegan nutrition updates head over to Virginia Messina's website theveganrd.com. Virginia Messina (RD), too, is a long-term vegan and a vegan nutrition expert par excellence who has published many articles in scientific journals. She has also published more than a handful of vegan nutrition books. You can see them on her website.

4) If you need information of vegan nutrition for children have a look at the Vegetarian Resource Group's website vrg.org where you can find several excellent articles written by one of the world's leading experts on vegan diets for children (and during pregnancy) Reed Mangels (PhD, RD). And yes: Reed Mangels is a long-term vegan and a most glorious vegan pioneer in the nutritional sciences.

5) Of course, you can also link to the gold old Vegan Society's website vegansociety.com. They too provide reliable vegan nutrition information.

Now that I've already mentioned five (or six, including the Vegan Outreach website) I should also mention Brenda Davis' (RD) - vegan nutrition pioneer and long-term vegan - website brendadavisrd.com.

If you ever get a chance to see any of these great people speak live - do not miss it!

Let us not forget to mention the most brilliant of them all (no offence to anyone): Stephen Walsh, otherwise known as - *in my book* - the man who saved Europe. In all his humility he does not currently have his own website - but you can see him here: vegansociety.com/society/whos-involved/council-trustees ... and read about him here: veganoutreach.org/enewsletter/walsh.html.

Last - and quite certainly least - you can check out my own vegan nutrition recommendations which are available in several languages and are - of course - based on the above geniuses' brilliant work.