Cover of SPIN, September 1998
There were three different covers with one of the Beastie Boys on each.This is from the Hello Nasty era. Was Ad Rock a vegetarian? If he was, this seems to have been a brief period. Find some food-related Beastie quotes below.

Food related Beastie Boys quotes: [not completed]
From Questlove interviewing Adrock in (late) 2024:
From "To The Five Boroughs" (2004):
Ad-Rock (Oh Word?): "[...] While I'm politickin' at Murray's Cheese Shop [...]"

From "Hello Nasty" (1998):
Mike D (Super Disco Breakin’): “[…]
when I’m in Holland I eat the pannenkoeken.”
Ad Rock (The Move): “[…] I’m
intercontinental when I eat French toast.”
Ad Rock (Intergalactic): “[…] I like
my sugar with coffee and cream.”
Mike D (Putting Shame In Your Game);
“We’re all connected like a Lego set, one equaling one together like a
Mike D (Three MC’s And One DJ): “[…]
fresh like a box of Krispy Kremes.”
MCA (Three MC’s And One DJ): “Order
in vegetarian shark’s fin” Mike D: “Try to keep my life non violent.”
Mike D (Unite): “Now rhymes are
montaquilla [!] on a track by us […]”
From "Aglio E Olio" (1995):
Mike D (I can't think straight): "Ride a bike, drive a car, vegan pie, cut a fart"
(1) "Rob splits his time between New York’s Soho neighborhood and an eighteenth century farm in Stockton, New Jersey with his wife,Nina Planck, the country’s leading expert on farmer’s markets and real food, and their three children." (
(2) "Nina
lives in Greenwich Village and Stockton, New Jersey with cheesemonger Rob
Kaufelt, owner of Murray’s Cheese" (
QLS [Questlove Supreme]: Adam "AdRock" Horovitz | Questlove Supreme, 18 December 2024, (at ~11:34 min) [last accessed 19 December 2024]