Veganmania München (a vegan festival / un festival vegano) Amazing vegan "schnitzel-burger" by Max Pett vegan restaurant
veganer Schnitzelwecken vom Max-Pett-Stand
"panecillo con escalope" del stand del restaurante vegano Max Pett, comida típica del sur de Alemania

It's always a good sign if members of a cult are genuinely happy!
Loving Hut
bei der Veganmania
La conquista del mundo por Loving Hut.

"Royal Kebabhaus" is a small restaurant in Munich, they have real meat kebabs but also vegan kebabs (seitan kebabs by Wheaty) Their stall at the Veganmania was all vegan, of course.
Royal-Kebabhaus-Stand bei der Veganmania.
"Royal Kebabhaus" es un restaurante pequeño en Múnich, tienen kebab de carne pero también kebab vegano (hecho de seitan marca Wheaty). El stand en la Veganmania era 100% vegano por supuesto.

This was our second time in Munich en route to the concentration camp memorial site in Dachau (Munich suburbs). There are many vegan options in Munich but with little time this place was amazing, being directly next to the main train station. Authentic Turkish food and - believe it or not - this is typical German food in a way.
Superlage direkt beim Hauptbahnhof und es gibt zwar auch Fleisch, der Besitzer weiβ aber genau, was vegan ist, auch bei den Vorspeisen.
Este es el restaurante "Royal Kebabhaus" afuera de la estación central de Múnich. Este tipo de comida turca es típica de Alemania.
Royal Kebabhaus
Arnulfstr. 5
80336 München

Kebabs - called "Döner Kebab" or just "Döner" in German - are Germany's typical fast food.
Im Royal Kebabhaus.
Kebab (llamado "Döner Kebab" o sólo "Döner" en alemán) es comida rápida típica alemana.

A mix of all vegan starters.
Las entradas veganas.

A free vegan typical Turkish sweet pastry.
Geschenkt zum Abschied.
Pastel turco vegano gratis.

Even though there were no prices clearly visible, the Döner is about 4 Euros.
Es standen zwar nirgendwo Preise dran. Ein Döner kostet aber ca. 4 Euro.
No pude ver precios en el restaurante, pero un "Döner" vale aprox. 4 euros.

Pick up one of the free vegan guides to Munich (and other vegan flyers) at the Royal Kebabhaus restaurant.
Gibt's umsonst (mit noch anderen Tierrechtsflyern) beim Royalkebabhaus.
En el restaurante Royal Kebabhaus puedes encontrar la guía vegana de Múnich (gratis).

Aus Respekt vor Tieren = out of respect for animals / por respeto a los animales
veganer Schnitzelwecken vom Max-Pett-Stand
"panecillo con escalope" del stand del restaurante vegano Max Pett, comida típica del sur de Alemania
It's always a good sign if members of a cult are genuinely happy!
Loving Hut
bei der Veganmania
La conquista del mundo por Loving Hut.
"Royal Kebabhaus" is a small restaurant in Munich, they have real meat kebabs but also vegan kebabs (seitan kebabs by Wheaty) Their stall at the Veganmania was all vegan, of course.
Royal-Kebabhaus-Stand bei der Veganmania.
"Royal Kebabhaus" es un restaurante pequeño en Múnich, tienen kebab de carne pero también kebab vegano (hecho de seitan marca Wheaty). El stand en la Veganmania era 100% vegano por supuesto.

This was our second time in Munich en route to the concentration camp memorial site in Dachau (Munich suburbs). There are many vegan options in Munich but with little time this place was amazing, being directly next to the main train station. Authentic Turkish food and - believe it or not - this is typical German food in a way.
Superlage direkt beim Hauptbahnhof und es gibt zwar auch Fleisch, der Besitzer weiβ aber genau, was vegan ist, auch bei den Vorspeisen.
Este es el restaurante "Royal Kebabhaus" afuera de la estación central de Múnich. Este tipo de comida turca es típica de Alemania.
Royal Kebabhaus
Arnulfstr. 5
80336 München
Kebabs - called "Döner Kebab" or just "Döner" in German - are Germany's typical fast food.
Im Royal Kebabhaus.
Kebab (llamado "Döner Kebab" o sólo "Döner" en alemán) es comida rápida típica alemana.
A mix of all vegan starters.
Las entradas veganas.
A free vegan typical Turkish sweet pastry.
Geschenkt zum Abschied.
Pastel turco vegano gratis.
Even though there were no prices clearly visible, the Döner is about 4 Euros.
Es standen zwar nirgendwo Preise dran. Ein Döner kostet aber ca. 4 Euro.
No pude ver precios en el restaurante, pero un "Döner" vale aprox. 4 euros.

Pick up one of the free vegan guides to Munich (and other vegan flyers) at the Royal Kebabhaus restaurant.
Gibt's umsonst (mit noch anderen Tierrechtsflyern) beim Royalkebabhaus.
En el restaurante Royal Kebabhaus puedes encontrar la guía vegana de Múnich (gratis).
Aus Respekt vor Tieren = out of respect for animals / por respeto a los animales