For a long while now Pogo has been serving an all day (kind of, until early evening) Sunday breakfast (Sundays only). "Angel" (the supposedly healthy option) and "Devil" (the supposedly "naughty" option), with typically British concepts of what's "healthy" (also known as "good for ya") and what's not so healthy. The food was very nice, of course, even though the hummus (left plate, centre) and the sweet banana-walnut muffin that came with the savoury fry-up (right plate, centre) was disapproved of by the Spanish crowd. I'd prefer, if they actually made something in between angel and devil, high protein and lots of nice fresh food. And yes, protein is healthy, remember.
Pogo Cafe ist ein völlig von (unbezahlten) Freiwilligen betriebenes Restaurant in Ost-London (Hackney Central Overground). 100% vegan. Typisch englisches Sonntagsfrühstück und eine eher untypische, typisch englische Vorstellung von einem "gesunden" Frühstück (d.h. Salat mit Salat).
El Pogo Cafe es un restaurante vegano administrado completatmente por voluntarios, que no reciben sueldo. Esta en Hackney, en la zona este de Londres (Hackney Central Overground). Aquí un desayuno típicamente británico.
Knickerbocker Glory in all its...glory. This is actually not on the menu, as in printed, but it is on the menu, you just have to know, and ask for it...once you've ventured into the currently signless cafe, knowing it's a cafe, knowing it's Pogo, not another Turkish social club for punks.
Knickerbocker Glory, ein weiterer Höhepunkt britisch-kreativer Esskultur. Want to make this at home?
A Pogo Knickerbocker Glory is layers of soya dessert chocolate and vanilla, one ball each of chocolate, strawberry and vanilla ice-cream (Swedish Glace), mango puree (from a can), some fruit (usually banana, but kiwis or any fruit is great), some chopped nuts (usually walnuts), soyatoo spray cream and chocolate powder or (here) white and brown chocolate drops and some more nuts for decoration. Vegan straight edge hordes used to go nuts over this, in the old days.
Knickerbocker Glory es un postre británico típico. La receta de Pogo lleva: Capas de postre de soya de vanilla y chocolate (Alpro), una bolita de helado de chocolate, vanilla y frutilla (Swedish Glace), puré de mango (de lata), fruta (por lo general platano/banana), nueces picadas, crema chantilly Soyatoo y chocolate en polvo o (como en este caso) chips de chocolate blanco y negro y más nueces para la decoración.