The Co-operative now has even more (and cheaper) products that have both the BUAV approved and the no animal ingredients logo! This washing-up liquid is 70 something pence or two for a pound. I also saw a medium size box of value washing powder for less than one. pound (available in The Co-operative and Summerfield supermarkets).
Veganes Spülmittel (für ca. € 0,85). Jetzt gibt es noch viel mehr von den The Co-operative Produkten (Waschmittel, Spülmittel, Zahncreme...), von denen die meisten tierversuchsfrei und tierinhaltsstofffrei sind.
Detergente para lavar la loza vegano del supermercado Co-operative (Reino Unido). No es probado en ni tiene ingredientes animales. (dos por una libra)