After the first time I went, I thought ASDA doesn't have anything, apparently I was wrong.
ASDA belongs to WAL-MART and is generally full of low quality normally priced crap. But they do have some cheap vegan supplements...Vegan multivitamin (the amount of B12 is too low though, BUT IT'S £1.00!)
Einkaufserfolg bei ASDA (englische Supermarktkette): Preisgünstige (wenn auch mittelmäβige) Vitaminpräparate.
Suplementos veganos baratos en la cadena britanica de supermercados, ASDA.
Nice lovely vegan chocolates (left), much cheaper than Holland & Barrett
vegane Pralinen (links)
Bonbones veganos, el precio más conveniente lo tiene ASDA.
And I thought they don't even have vegan ice-cream (I was only looking for Swedish Glace), but they do: freedom (Vegan Society certified)
veganes Eis (Schokolade oder Vanille)
otra marca (no Swedish Glace) de helado vegano
Almost all of the ASDA "Meat Free" range isn't vegan. But the Dalepak burgers are good, vegan and not expensive.
ASDA refrigerated soya milk (below, top left) has a very cow's milky taste. I've only ever once had soya milk that tasted that much like cow's milk (UHT cow's milk). If you are new to soya milk, I'd very much recommend this brand. Our local ASDA also had soya yogurt, vegan chocolate (like milk chocolate) bars with tiny rice crispies inside, the newly popular white (or brown) chocolate buttons, some standard cheap biscuits (like the typical Brit ginger nuts), luxury dark chocolate bars and German style, yeast-based granovita bread spread (paté). The paté in the picture is shiitake, and the price was surprisingly decent.
Burger, Joghurt, typisch englische Ingwerkekse, Schokoladenknöpfe (weiβ oder normal), Granovita Brotaufstrich und vegane milchige Schokoriegel mit Puffreisstückchen (und normale Scholoade)
hamburgesas marca Dalepak, leche de soya, barras de chocolate de "leche" con cripies de arroz, paté de champiños shiitake, yogurt (una libra por un paquete de quatro unidades), botones de chocolate (blancos y de "leche") y galletas de jengibre típicas británicas (todo vegano).
ASDA also has the best price I have seen so far for the vegan parmesan Life free from previously Parmazano grated hard cheese replacer (that's what it's called): 90 pence!