Carol J Adams: Help! My Child Stopped Eating Meat!
I found this one for 10 pence in a library sale.
By vegan author Carol J Adams, nutritional info by the vegan dietitian Ginny Messina
(Cover art by vegan Dan Piraro). For hippie parents who eat meat.
Alle 3 nur auf Englisch.
Todos sólo disponibles en inglés.
Dan Mathews: Committed
For everyone who hates PETA. The person you would want to invite for tea and cake, but never will. This book isn't really about PETA strategies and won't change your mind about them. It's more about Dan Mathews' crazy life including PETA stuff, of course. Interesting, cool, and gayer than you (that's a compliment).
Dan Mathews ist einer der Top-PETA-Menschen und erzählt hier über sein Leben und PETA-Aktionen.
Dan Mathews es uno de los mandamases de PETA. Un entretenido libro sobre su vida y las acciones de PETA.
Jeffrey Moussaieff Masson: The Face on Your Plate
This is a really good book, especially if you are just becoming interested in vegetarianism, veganism or taking animals' lives seriously. Probably the best book to start with, and it's brand new.
Interesting that in both books (Dan Mathews' and Jeffrey Masson's) they describe how they ate something non-vegan to be polite. Have some good-natured self-esteem, be polite and vegan.
Ein neues Buch von Jeffrey Moussaieff Masson, der schon einige Bücher über Tiere geschrieben hat. Sehr sympathisch und ideal für neu am Vegetarismus/Veganismus Interessierte. Witzigerweise erzählen sowohl Masson als auch Mathews von je einer Situation, in der sie, obwohl sie beide Veganer sind, aus Höflichkeit etwas nicht-veganes gegessen haben.
Un nuevo libro de Jeffrey Moussaieff Masson que ya ha escrito muchos libros acerca de los animales no humanos. Un excelente libro, ideal para las personas que estan interesadas en el vegetarianismo o veganismo.
I found this one for 10 pence in a library sale.
By vegan author Carol J Adams, nutritional info by the vegan dietitian Ginny Messina
(Cover art by vegan Dan Piraro). For hippie parents who eat meat.
Alle 3 nur auf Englisch.
Todos sólo disponibles en inglés.
Dan Mathews: Committed
For everyone who hates PETA. The person you would want to invite for tea and cake, but never will. This book isn't really about PETA strategies and won't change your mind about them. It's more about Dan Mathews' crazy life including PETA stuff, of course. Interesting, cool, and gayer than you (that's a compliment).
Dan Mathews ist einer der Top-PETA-Menschen und erzählt hier über sein Leben und PETA-Aktionen.
Dan Mathews es uno de los mandamases de PETA. Un entretenido libro sobre su vida y las acciones de PETA.
Jeffrey Moussaieff Masson: The Face on Your Plate
This is a really good book, especially if you are just becoming interested in vegetarianism, veganism or taking animals' lives seriously. Probably the best book to start with, and it's brand new.
Interesting that in both books (Dan Mathews' and Jeffrey Masson's) they describe how they ate something non-vegan to be polite. Have some good-natured self-esteem, be polite and vegan.
Ein neues Buch von Jeffrey Moussaieff Masson, der schon einige Bücher über Tiere geschrieben hat. Sehr sympathisch und ideal für neu am Vegetarismus/Veganismus Interessierte. Witzigerweise erzählen sowohl Masson als auch Mathews von je einer Situation, in der sie, obwohl sie beide Veganer sind, aus Höflichkeit etwas nicht-veganes gegessen haben.
Un nuevo libro de Jeffrey Moussaieff Masson que ya ha escrito muchos libros acerca de los animales no humanos. Un excelente libro, ideal para las personas que estan interesadas en el vegetarianismo o veganismo.