these are my books:
- Veganismus (published in 2014), a book in German about veganism, what it is, its history, why vegan, how vegan, and some ideas on how to promote veganism
- Nutrición vegana - separando la evidencia de la creencia (published in 2017), in Spanish.
- Also available in Italian: Nutrizione vegana - separando l’evidenza dalla credenza (2017).

- Vegan Baby: Vegane Beikost für das Alter 4 bis 12 Monate (published in 2020), a booklet in German about complementary feeding, i.e. introducing solid foods in addition to breastmilk to a vegan baby's diet

For more info see here.
- Also available in English: Vegan baby. A guide to complementary feeding. For vegans between the ages of 4 and 12 months (published 2020)

- Also available in Spanish!